Title: Roxanne Desired (Book 2 in the Prime Wolf Series)
Author: Gena D Lutz
Genre: Adult Paranormal Romance
Blitz Host: Lady Amber's Tours
Author Bio:
Roxanne Desired:
Ember's Curse:
I threw the pillow off to the side and jumped out of bed. The small nap that Nathan had forced me to take had done
wonders and I was feeling good as new; that was if you didn’t count the headache quickly forming from Paige’s warm-up music. I walked past the handsome hunk of mine and opened the bedroom door wide. I exited the room without explanation. Nathan didn’t complain, just poked his head around the jam, watching my retreat. I stopped in front of the entryway of the room right next door to ours and began to pound my fist hard against it. When my knock received no answer, I brought my fist up and pounded again. This time, the door flew open, revealing an irate she-wolf. Her body was covered in sweat, a large round stain forming from the neck of her wife beater and expanding out and down in between a pair of firmly rounded breasts. She brought her arm up, her hands adorned with boxing gloves, and wiped the sweat from her hairline.
“What the fuck is it?” Paige spat, the rims of her eyes opening wide when she recognized which wolf was at her door. She looked at me with such rage in her eyes that I thought I would spontaneously combust into flames where I stood. I had to stop myself from going pale faced. I willed that from happening with all my might. I wasn’t going to allow this Alpha wolf to have domination over me. I was way too pissed off for that.
“Show the rest of the house some common courtesy by turning that god-awful music of yours down,” I growled.
Paige jerked her chin up and crossed her arms. “And if I don’t?”
Well hell. That was a good question. What could I do if she decided to slam the door right in my face?
“The music is extremely loud, Paige. How about giving us all a break?” Nathan said from behind me.
I hadn’t heard him walk up. I whipped around shoving my finger at him. I was acting like a crazy person. I knew that. However, for some reason I didn’t give two shits about it.
“I have this handled.” I said with a low growl.
“Hi, Nathan.” Paige purred over me. “I will turn the volume down right away.” She pinned him with a smoldering look, a look that made my fingers tingle in want of ripping those green peepers out of their damn sockets.
“But, only because you asked so nicely,” she added before slamming the door in my face.
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